The Walk
When traveling through airports, it is often necessary to walk. When flights are on-time sometimes it is necessary to walk very fast and take care of business quickly. If you are traveling with someone who knows where they are going, then it is very important to keep your eyes on them. Some airports are very large and one missed turn can cost you precious minutes. Taking your eyes off of the person leading you is dangerous. After taking many trips through airports there are times we can get discouraged because of past problems we had with certain airports, stewardesses, or pilots. We must not allow these past events stop us. We must let them grow us.
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Are Your Eyes On Your Leader or his bags? |
Are Your Eyes On Your Leader?
I have often traveled with people I did not care to be around and some I liked a lot, but in either respect it was my responsibility to stay with them. Often times I would be asked to watch a bag for them while they went to do something. It is easy to get distracted and watch a persons baggage and take your eyes off of them. Elisha was told to keep his eyes on Elijah to receive the double portion. When you see other people doing things you are or may be afraid to do it helps to build your confidence so that you can do the same things. Elisha would perform many of the same miracles as Elijah.
The Talk
Travel talk can often be very boring because people are just trying to pass the time. Sometimes though travel talk can be time to deal with fears that a traveler has. Some fear flying, some fear leaving their family. Others fear travel period. Elisha opened up and asked for a double portion and whatever we are lacking as we travel through life, we should be willing to ask for it. The difference in asking for spiritual things is that the material things often come along with it. Solomon asked for wisdom, but also received riches and honour with it.
The Vision
Elijah promised Elisha that if he saw him when he was taken from him then he would receive what he asked for. Elisha had purpose and Elijah knew there was one way he would realize his purpose. Elijah failed because he covered his head when God spoke to him concerning his purpose. He knew Elijah would have to keep his eyes open. Often times we stop looking for what God promises us. We are distracted by baggage sometimes and other times we flat out give up on it. Make sure you can still see. Often when a plane gets ready to take off and the jet engines fire up and the dust clouds are stirred, I see many people with their eyes closed. Some are afraid of the take-off noise, others the feeling in their stomach, and still yet others would rather be sleep when it happens. Don't let the fiery engines, the noise, or the wind distract you from seeing what God is doing in your life. Satan is going to try to do things to get you to close your eyes, but keep them open and see the Vision God has for you and receive the spiritual growth that comes with it. The Conditions for Spiritual Growth are: Walking Through Your Past, Talking Through Your Problems, and Seeing Through Your Purpose.
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